Teaching Strategies
Encouraging Collaboration in your ESL Classroom
We are going to start off today’s blog post with your reflection question. How are you encouraging collaboration with your Language Learners? Take a moment to reflect on this question. Think about this question and answer to yourself honestly where you stand. I think a lot of us have been there or experienced the dread that can come over students when we ask them to work together. You can hear the collective sighs and eye rolls. Every year of my teaching career, I have truly wanted my students to have an authentic collaboration experience. One where they are eager to work with each other on assignments and tasks. A lot…
Setting Your Language Learners Up for Success this School Year (and Beyond)
Welcome educators! Before we get started I want to share with you an amazing free tool I have available to you. It is “The Ultimate Guide to a Successful School Year”. In this guide I walk you through how you can take those nervous jitters to have an undeniable confidence throughout the school year. All because you started with these basic steps in the guide. To download the guide go to myadventuresinesl.com/ultimateguide. We are going to start the blog off with your reflection question. How are you preparing your Language Learners for success in your classroom? Take a moment to reflect on this question. Think about this question and answer…
How to Quickly Write Language & Content Objectives
Welcome all-star teachers! Here is our weekly reflection question: How consistent are you in writing language and content objectives? Writing language objectives and content objectives can be overwhelming and time consuming for any teacher. When learning how to write content objectives and learning objectives, there are way too many resources available. This can lead to you feeling confused and in some cases frustrated. Before I started teaching, I faintly heard of content and language objectives. The first struggle was understanding what is a content objective and what is a language objective. A content objective identifies what the students will be able to know and what to do by the end…
Creating a Welcoming Environment for your Language Learners
Download Transcript Here This year I want to switch it up and start asking you a weekly reflection question. After hearing the question, take a moment to think and jot down your answer. I know some of you are listening to this on the go or possibly reading this in passing. I would still like you to take five minutes and reflect. This can have a huge impact on your teaching. Here is our weekly reflection question: Are you providing your Language Learners and their families with A+ customer service? Have you ever been in a situation where you have witnessed your Language Learners and/or their families receiving subpar treatment?…
- Curriculum, Language Objectives, Lesson Ideas, Reading, Reading Strategies, Speaking Activities, Teaching Strategies, Writing Strategies
Close Reading with Language Learners
Would you like to download a copy of this episode’s transcript? Simply click here for the download. Welcome educators! My wish is that you are having a fantastic school year. Before we dive into our topic this week I have a reflection question for you. I want to encourage you to pause and take a moment to think about and answer the question: How has your lesson planning been going the first half of the school year? Jot down your thoughts and really reflect on the first semester. There are many of you out there that have heard the buzz word close reading. I am here to tell you that…
- Building Relationships, Classroom Strategies, Lesson Ideas, Speaking Activities, Teaching Strategies
Get Your Students Talking During Virtual Learning
Would you like to download a copy of this episode’s transcript? Simply click here for the download. Hey Educators! It’s time to reflect! This year I want to switch it up and start asking you a weekly reflection question. After reading the question, take a moment to think and jot down your answer. I know some of you are listening to this on the go or possibly reading this in passing. I would still like you to take five minutes and reflect. This can have a huge impact on your teaching. Here is our weekly reflection question: Are my Language Learners achieving their speaking goals? Whether you are teaching virtually…
Investing in Yourself with Focused Professional Development
Welcome all-star teachers! As we jump into today’s topic, I would like you to reflect on your wins for the week. Every week I want to highlight a teacher’s win. A win can be big or small. I want you to celebrate your wins, and we want to celebrate with you! If you have a win you want to share email me at millie@myadventuresinesl.com. I can remember back to my first few years of teaching, browsing through Teacher Pay Teacher and other worksheet membership websites looking for activities to solve my ever growing dilemma of what to teach my ELLs. I spent over $200 and I still did not have…
Preparing for the New School Year in the Midst of Uncertainty
Welcome all-star teachers! As we jump into today’s topic, I would like you to reflect on your wins for the week. Every week I want to highlight a teacher’s win. A win can be big or small. I want you to celebrate your wins, and we want to celebrate with you! If you have a win you want to share email me at millie@myadventuresinesl.com. Many of us have no clue how the upcoming school year will look for us. This can leave educators with the feeling of uneasiness because they don’t know how they can prepare for the school year. I know are going to want to have a solid…
Using Your Reflections to Prepare for the New Year
Every week I want to highlight a teacher’s win. This week I want to take a moment and say thank you to all the ESL teachers who are advocating and standing up to racism.The events that are happening against black people in this country, have made me take a deeper look into my teaching practices. I believe reflection is the key to growth as a teacher and that is what I am planning to do. Many times we rush into the new year without taking the time to reflect on how we can adjust our instruction. During my first year of teaching, my teacher mentor always encouraged me to reflect.…
Supporting ELLs During School Closures
Welcome educators! Right now we are in the midst of a global pandemic. It appears overnight we are expected to pick up and teach our ELLs online. The problem many of us face is that our ELLs have limited access to technology and the internet. Thursday before our Spring Break our principal got on the intercom and announced we won’t be back until March 31st. I knew in my spirit that it was going to be longer so I rushed and started thinking of options. During this time, I had to console my students and show them how to log on to our low tech options. This is how I plan to…