ESL Speaking Activities: Numbered Heads
Que? Shuh? Que Dijo? I constantly was hearing the words “what?” in a wide range of languages. My students were simply not speaking in English. I knew I need to make a drastic change. After attending a conference, I was introduced to Numbered Heads. It turned into such a huge success in my classroom. I can remember when I first tried it two years ago, and was thinking could this ever work for my newcomers. I am here to tell you that it works! It increases engagement and holds the students accountable during discussion time. I am here to explain how you can incorporate this activity for newcomer ELLs. This…
Getting Your ELLs to Speak: Practical Tips for Your Classroom
Yes. No. I see the dog. These are how my students sentence complexity was on a daily basis. At first I was okay with them speaking this way, as long as they were speaking. Year after year I noticed my students were not making significant growth on the end of the year language assessment. The problem was right in my face. I was not being intentional with my speaking lessons. I also realized my students were not speaking in compound and complex sentences. I was so excited to hear the ESL students speaking, that I wasn’t setting high expectations as to HOW the should be speaking. After some serious reflection,…
ESL Speaking Activities: Target Talk
Target Talk in my classroom has completely transformed introducing learning objectives in my classroom. A learning objective tells what the student will be doing in class. Before students would simply say the target, and we would move on. Now when the students are talking about learning objectives, they actually dive into what the learning objective means. We often make connections and predictions to events in the world. Below are directions on how you can introduce Target Talk into your classrooms. 1. Post the learning objective in kid friendly language. This is really important because you want the learning objectives to be accessible to the students. This also helps the students…
- Language Objectives:
A Step by Step GuideDo you want to know how to write language objectives? Download the Language Objective Guide to use the graphic organizer with this process. This guide will walk you through how to write language objectives step-by-step. You may be thinking what is a language objective? You might not be sure about content objectives. Teacher talk can get a little overwhelming. I know when I first started I had no idea what all these words mean. Here is a list of commonly used words with their definitions. A content objective tells the student what they will be learning during the lesson. For example, I can analyze the connections and distinctions between individuals,…
ESL Curriculum Guide (Free Sample)
There is a wide range of newcomer ELLs. Some students may have a strong educational background in their native country. You might have some students who have interrupted schooling. There are others who might have went to school,but only for a few years. When they arrive in your classroom ready to learn, you have a melting pot of situations. I want you to know you are not alone. I would like to share with you some effective tips I have used in my classroom. You need a plan. I cannot stress this to you enough. Before you get into how you are going to teach the students, you first need…
ELL Activities: Differentiating for ELLs using Ed Apps
“I feel so smart!” Students were excited as they were logging into their computers to start on their assignments. The students were not aware that the assignments were tailored for each of their needs. One of the pitfalls of differentiation is the looming questions teachers have to hear in their classrooms. “Why is their assignment different from my assignment?” There are two great online tools I am using in my classroom that have transformed my teaching practice and allowed me to reinvent my differentiation practices. It is important to note that my school is not a 1:1 school. I have been using these strategies on desktops and tablets that have…
How to Build an Engaging Classroom Library
The books we have received have been amazing for our independent reading time. Everyday the ELLs receive 15-20 minutes of time to read independently. For more photos follow me on Instagram.