Professional Development
Getting Ready for the Upcoming School Year
Welcome all-star teachers! Here is our weekly reflection question: Reflecting on the upcoming school year, do you feel you are prepared? This past school year has been hard on a lot of us. I completely understand if you don’t want to even think about the new year that is upon us. Many of us have tried to juggle in-person learning/virtual learning and all the struggles that come with both. On top of that we have our daily compliance and advocating we have to do on behalf of our Language Learners. This year for me was personally tough to navigate. I had so many various students with varying needs that I…
How to Quickly Write Language & Content Objectives
Welcome all-star teachers! Here is our weekly reflection question: How consistent are you in writing language and content objectives? Writing language objectives and content objectives can be overwhelming and time consuming for any teacher. When learning how to write content objectives and learning objectives, there are way too many resources available. This can lead to you feeling confused and in some cases frustrated. Before I started teaching, I faintly heard of content and language objectives. The first struggle was understanding what is a content objective and what is a language objective. A content objective identifies what the students will be able to know and what to do by the end…
Planning for Your Planning Period
Welcome all-star teachers! Here is our weekly reflection question: How productive were you on your planning period this school year? A problem many teachers have is how to use their planning period productively. There are many instances where you are scouring through the internet looking for lessons, scrolling through social media, and tons of other activities that may not make your planning period productive. I know because I have been there. Honestly there are some days when I find myself doing the exact same thing and wonder why I am spending the weekend planning. I knew I had to make a change when I was spending way too much time…
What You Need to Know about Compliance to Prep for the Beginning of the School Year
Download the transcript to this episode here. This year I want to switch it up and start asking you a weekly reflection question. After hearing the question, take a moment to think and jot down your answer. I know some of you are listening to this on the go or possibly reading this in passing. I would still like you to take five minutes and reflect. This can have a huge impact on your teaching. Here is our weekly reflection question: When you see the word compliance what emotions do you feel? Compliance can feel like a scary word and there are a lot of us who shy away from…
Organizing for the Upcoming School Year
Download a copy of the podcast transcript by clicking here. This year I want to switch it up and start asking you a weekly reflection question. After hearing the question, take a moment to think and jot down your answer. I know some of you are listening to this on the go or possibly reading this in passing. I would still like you to take five minutes and reflect. This can have a huge impact on your teaching. Here is our weekly reflection question: What steps are you planning on taking to organize for next school year? You might say that I don’t even want to think about next year…
The New School Year is Approaching (What you can do to prepare)
Would you like to download a copy of this episode’s transcript? Simply click here for the download. We are going to start off this week’s episode with our reflection question. Each week we have a reflection question. I would love for you to take 5 minutes out of your day to reflect. This is beneficial in helping you develop a growth mindset and for your growth as an educator. Here is our weekly reflection question: What are simple things you can do now to prepare for the upcoming school year? During late March and the beginning of April, a lot of us are in the thick of the school year.…
Developing Confidence as an Educator
Would you like to download a copy of this episode’s transcript? Simply click here for the download. This year I want to switch it up and start asking you a weekly reflection question. After hearing the question, take a moment to think and jot down your answer. I know some of you are listening to this on the go or possibly reading this in passing. I would still like you to take five minutes and reflect. This can have a huge impact on your teaching. Here is our weekly reflection question: How are you nurturing your confidence as an educator? Have you ever been in a faculty meeting or in…
How to Prepare for Your Teacher Interview
Would you like to download a copy of this episode’s transcript? Simply click here for the download. In last week’s episode, we talked about reflective teaching. I want all of you to make a commitment to reflective teaching for the remainder of this school year and the upcoming school year. Simply set aside some time and spend five minutes reflecting on your teaching practices. The benefit of this is the growth that you will see as an educator! It is that time of the year. I know test season is upon us, but some of you all are preparing for teaching interviews. Whether you currently have a teaching position or…
Reflective Teaching for New & Returning Teachers
Would you like to download a copy of this episode’s transcript? Simply click here for the download. Welcome educators! I hope you are having a great school year. We will start off with some reflections on the week. After hearing the question, take a moment to think and jot down your answer. I would still like you to take five minutes and reflect. This can have a huge impact on your teaching. Here is our weekly reflection question: How are you currently reflecting in your classroom practices. As educators we want to grow, but are often stuck on how to make that happen. Asking fellow teachers or your students for…
Co-teaching next year? Tips to Prepare
Welcome all-star teachers! As we jump into today’s topic, I would like you to reflect on your wins for the week. Every week I want to highlight a teacher’s win. A win can be big or small. I want you to celebrate your wins, and we want to celebrate with you! If you have a win you want to share email me at ESL co-teachers want to support their ELLs, but they are confused as to how to support them when they are not fully aware of what’s to come. Co-teachers may not be aware of the curriculum or the teachers they are working with for the upcoming school year.…