EP. 115 Prep & Plan: Setting High Expectations
Hey! It’s Session 2!
I want to thank you all for tuning into the first Prep & Plan Session (Routines & Procedures). A few of you asked about the routines and procedures that I use in my classroom. Click here to download my template of Routines & Procedures that I use in the ESL Master Plan. I will keep it available for a limited time. Let’s dive into Session 2!
The impact of having high expectations for your Language Learners is a simple and profound strategy.
The “Back-to-School Prep & Plan Sessions” has begun! If you take action you’ll go into the upcoming school year prepared to support your Language Learners.
I’ll be sending you an email with instructions and homework each day. The homework won’t take longer than 15 minutes to implement (some days it will take like 5 minutes)!
Step 1: Routines & Procedures Homework
Yesterday, I provided you with strategies on how to establish routines and procedures in your classroom. Watch the training video if you need a refresher.
In your Prep & Plan Workbook, answer questions so that you can plan on implementing the strategies in your classroom.
Step 2: Tell us you completed Day 2
Once you have completed your homework, come into our community and let us know: https://www.facebook.com/groups/adventuresinesl
Step 3: Prepping for High Expectations
During today’s session, we will start off by reflecting on how you have set high expectations for your students. Think about some instances where you set high expectations for your Language Learners. If this is your first year teaching, then think about how you did this during your student teaching.
Share how you set high expectations for your students in the comments.
You can download the transcript here.