About Me

Hey, I’m Millie. I create tools and curriculum for teachers who want to teach a rigorous curriculum to ELLs.
My Adventures in ESL is a blog for educators who truly believe that their ELLs can access a rigorous curriculum. If you believe that something is “too hard” or “they can’t do it” , then this is not the blog for you. We should all believe that our ELLs can achieve!
For the last six years I have been teaching 6-8th grade newcomers and intermediate ELLs . In that time I have assisted with writing a newcomer curriculum and piloting a newcomer program. I am currently teaching intermediate ELLs and coaching ESL teachers across the district.
When I am not teaching and peer coaching, I love a good binge watch. My favorite shows are Riverdale (who doesn’t love a dramatic teen drama), Queen Sugar, and Wendy Williams (“How you doing?!). I am obsessed with candles! I also am a planner and crafter that lives in Michael’s.
Want to see in real time what is happening in My Adventures in ESL? Follow me on Instagram!