3 Myths Busted about Lesson Planning
Welcome educators! Before we get started I want to share with you the amazing resources I have available to you. To learn more and download some engaging resources go to myadventuresinesl.com/store.
You are an amazing and hard-working educator. The work that you are doing for your students is appreciated. Thank you for your dedication and the time you put in to ensure your students succeed.
In this week’s episode, I will share how you can create a visual biography of influential people in history.
Explain to the students what a biography is by creating an anchor chart. This will be important as the lesson progresses. In today’s lesson, we will create a visual biography about Matthew Henson. Matthew Henson was an African-American explorer who is credited with being one of the first people to reach the North Pole.
To start the lesson students will watch a video from National Geographic about Matthew Henson. During the video, students will write their notices and wonders. For newcomers, I suggest using a word bank and sentence frames. After the video, the teacher can read a read-aloud to the students about Matthew Henson.
Day two is our mini-lesson focus. In this week’s lesson mini-lesson, we will be making inferences. This a lesson that would be perfect to use with visuals of Matthew Henson and his journey to the North Pole.
A quick tip on teaching inferences is to make it as concrete as possible. This can be done with practice passages and creating simple steps for students to use.
Day three is our weekly close-read lesson. This is an opportunity for students to learn more about Matthew Henson and his journey to the North Pole. To connect with the mini-lesson you did this week on inferences, have the students make inferences as they are reading the text.
I suggest doing this on an inference graphic organizer. This way students will have a clear visual on how to make inferences.
On Day 4 we will start our Bio Builder on Matthew Henson. You will need to gather some online resources and books on Matthew Henson. I will link the Bio Builder on Matthew Henson available in my Teacher Pay Teacher store.
While working on the bio builder students will gather information about his birth, early life, and interesting facts. To support students in this process use sentence frames and word banks. For newcomers and younger students, I have a one-page bio builder template that I will link for you.
The day before students worked on building the bio for Matthew Henson. Entering Day 5 they will construct their bio builder. I like doing this on a file folder that opens up into a book. To make this lay the file folder flat on a table. Then, fold the right side to the center and crease. Afterward, fold the left side to the center and crease. Now you have a file folder book that students can put their bio builder in.
After the students build their bio they can do a quick presentation to the class.
If you found value in today’s episode, go to myadventuresinesl.com/store to get the full detailed lesson plan of Matthew Henson Bio Builder.
You can download the transcript here.