The New School Year is Approaching (What you can do to prepare)
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We are going to start off this week’s episode with our reflection question. Each week we have a reflection question. I would love for you to take 5 minutes out of your day to reflect. This is beneficial in helping you develop a growth mindset and for your growth as an educator. Here is our weekly reflection question: What are simple things you can do now to prepare for the upcoming school year?
During late March and the beginning of April, a lot of us are in the thick of the school year. We are counting down the weeks until the last day of school. The furthest thing from our mind is thinking about the upcoming school year. Many of us are simply trying to make it through testing, meetings, evaluations, and tons of the end year tasks.
This is a common problem I hear a lot from teachers. Many of them are in survival mode and simply trying to make it till then end of the year. Especially since we are bogged down with testing and more testing. We also have tasks that we need to do to wrap up the school year.
I know because during this time of the year I am in the position. I do have to make sure that I am taking time to prepare mentally, and in some instances physically for the upcoming school year. I did this because I wanted to do small things to prepare to help reduce the load at the beginning of the school year. Even in the midst of the overwhelm of the school year.
A few years ago I decided to do a purge. I had gone to way too many yard sales and clearance sections which resulted in an excess of teacher tools. I was bursting at the seams and knew some change had to be made. This purge opened up my eyes. I knew in that moment that I needed to take simple steps to start prepping for the school year. This purge made me realize that I need to organize for the upcoming school year. I needed to brainstorm and reflect. I also needed to organize my belongings, lessons, and paperwork.
Think about your vision for the upcoming school year. For me I wanted a clutter free classroom which led me to declutter the school year before.
After you write down your vision, think about what simple and small steps you can take right now to make it happen. There are some things that will have to wait, but you will be surprised at what tiny and impactful steps you can take right now.
Set aside some time each week to complete the tasks. When I decided to purge and organize, I set aside 15-20 minutes three times a week.
Preparing for the school year right now does not have to be overwhelming. Write down your vision and then take tiny steps.
Download The Ultimate ESL Teacher Guide to give you more simple and effective steps to prepare for the beginning of the school year.
How are you currently planning to prepare for the upcoming school year? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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