
Opening up your doors: Becoming Confident When Visitors come Knocking

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Welcome all-star teachers! As we jump into today’s topic, I would like you to reflect on your wins for the week. Ask yourself this simple question. What were the wins I had this week and what were some areas of growth. Every week I want to highlight a teacher’s win. A win can be big or small. I want you to celebrate your wins, and we want to celebrate with you! 

Have you ever had a visitor show up to observe your class and you are a bundle of nerves. You know you are an amazing teacher, but seeing someone at the doors causes you to have self-doubt. Even more so with virtual learning, hearing the bell chimes as someone pops into your virtual classroom. 

When I first arrived in the teaching world, I didn’t know at the time but I was well equipped for dropped ins. Before teaching I worked in a call-center so I was used to having my phones listened to for quality assurance. My supervisor would often “plug into” my calls and grade them on a rubric. When I started teaching, I learned “plug-ins in the teaching world was called observations. I was so shocked and at the same time relieved to see the lengths teachers were going to prepare themselves for observations. As a new teacher, there were a lot of new strategies I needed to learn. I knew this because when I was at the call center there were strategies that I picked up to boost my confidence on the calls. It’s interesting because when I had my first observation…I did ok. It wasn’t my call center plug-in standards but it was just ok. For a moment I was a little disappointed in myself, but I picked myself up and started asking questions of top performing teachers. Thinking back those observations led me to be more confident and they also had me asking some key questions about teaching. 

I was determined to find out how high level teachers gained their confidence when they had visitors show-up. Upon observing their classes and speaking with them I picked up some key strategies. I can remember talking to one teacher and she shared how she keeps a simplified reminder checklist on her board each day. This helps her in her everyday teaching. So when visitors show-up she was extra confident because she was practicing everyday and she had a reminder checklist. Another teacher shared how she plans using the observation rubric. She discovered that strategies and techniques in the rubric elevated her teaching. Therefore when observers came in the room students already knew what to expect. My solution was simple. Teach everyday like I am on a stage. This let’s the students know that I am not putting on a show when observers arrive in the room. 

Here are some detailed strategies you can use to boost your confidence when visitors come knocking:

  • View your rubric. While you are doing this, put down some reminder items to do in your lesson every single day. For example, if you struggle to remember to discuss the language objectives put that on your checklist. This will lead you to be auto-pilot, and you will start to do this every day! Repetition is powerful and once you have these tools down you are going to be confident every single day. Visitor or no visitor. 
  • Use the observation rubric to plan effective lessons. Look at the rubric and determine the components and add those in your lessons. In my personal experience, I have used the rubric as a way to grow. Review and learn your teaching rubric. Then plan with the rubric. 
  • Everyday remember that you are on a stage. You are an exceptional teacher and can design amazing lessons. Say a small affirmation every day. 
  • Opening your doors is a great opportunity for you and your Language Learners. It exposes other teachers to the techniques and strategies you are using. 
  • Remember to use observations as an opportunity for growth. 

Educators here are your next steps:

  1. Review your observation rubric and create your lessons with the rubric in mind. 
  2. Create a daily checklist for yourself. This will boost your confidence and your students know exactly what to expect.
  3. Every day before your lesson say a mantra or a motivational tagline. I want to encourage you to open up your doors!
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