Black Lives Matter
Welcome everyone,
Right now is a painful time for Black Americans in the United States. We are exhausted and many of us feel defeated.
There is no in between or gray area. It is not okay to stand by and not take active steps to dismantle racism. This system elected a racist president that it causing harm to communities of color all over this country.
Fighting racism is an ongoing fight. It is a fight you have to do EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Here are some things you can do everyday to help:
- Educate yourself about what is happening. It is not the job of Black people to teach you about what is going on. If you can go to Youtube and Google for a DIY, you can educate yourself about what it is going on.
- Hold racists family members, friends, and other teachers accountable. Standing up to family and friends can be difficult, but it has to be done.
- If you know of businesses, organizations, and churches that are quiet do not support them. If you are quiet during these time, you are clearly picking the side of racism.
- Ask your students of color if they are okay. Offer your support and do not be afraid to have hard and yet delicate conversations with them.
- Donate to the cause to help with legal representation.
Here is an article the details “75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice”
If you feel this is something you cannot do, then this is not the community for you. I will not stand by and support the brutality that is happening and be silent for anyone else’s comfort.
Thank you to all the educators who are standing up and fighting this fight. What you are doing for the students will impact their lives.
Kind regards,
P.S. If you chose to remove yourself from the community, I respect your choice. Please note that I am not getting into a debate over this email. I stand by more words. I also want you to know if you ever decide to return we will be here 😀