
Advocating for the Arts

Welcome everyone! I know everyone is excited to get back to their students and hit the ground running tomorrow.  I am personally excited to come back more focused and determined. When I return I plan on reviewing some classroom procedures and refocusing the students. There are a lot of huge events for my students, such as concerts and art shows so I am very excited for them as well.

A far to common problem that I am noticing is that ELLs are sometimes denied the opportunity to participate in the Fine Arts or Exploratory classes due to scheduling. It breaks my heart when I hear these stories because ELLs deserve to experience these life changing classes.

I personally cannot hold a tune, however when I looked back at middle school my fondest memories are of being in the choir. I LOVED choir! I was dedicated and even tried out for Fiddler on the Roof. I got the part and sung my heart out on that stage. I even did a solo of Jewel.  The point that I am trying to make is that experience gave me confidence and I learned so much by being in the choir. So you can imagine my shock when I started talking to ESL teachers and their students weren’t able to participate in any Fine Arts programs because of scheduling.

Those ELLs are not able to experience choir, band, art, orchestra or other exploratory classes such as foreign languages or STEM because of scheduling. As an ESL teacher I can understand, scheduling can be a beast, but I want to present a challenge to you: Advocate for your students right to experience the arts!

I am so grateful to be at a school that HEAVILY promotes the arts. Students have the option to pick their top three exploratory classes for the year. I always ask my ELLs what are their top three classes. Most of the time through relationship building I have an idea of what they are passionate about in regards to the arts. In my personal experience, this simple activity has helped me help my students in advocating for themselves. If the students want to move classes, they almost always feel comfortable in sharing with the ESL teachers.

Since I know my students passion, I take the time to build relationship with the teachers in the fine arts. I frequently volunteer to help with events which allows me to see my students performances and artwork. Building these relationships is a key step in helping me advocate for the arts for my ELLs.

Here are some strategies and tips for promoting and advocating for the arts for your ELLs:

  1. Find out what your students love in regards to their exploratory classes. If you have a student that is PASSIONATE about art. Try your best to get him art. Look at all avenues before simply saying , “It’s just art”. You might not think that art is important, but to that student it is IMPORTANT.
  2. Build relationships with the Fine Arts and Exploratory teachers. Like I mentioned earlier I love volunteering and helping out at their shows. It’s like a 2 for 1 deal. I get to see my students shine and I am helping out a teammate.
  3. When you are scheduling, take into account the students exploratory classes. SERIOUSLY take those into account. Sit down with your admin and ask for their support in promoting the arts. Look at the schedule from a few different angles, those students deserve the opportunity to experience the arts. 

Here are your next steps:

  1. Share this episode with every ESL teacher that you know because they can benefit.
  2. Create a quick survey with your ELLs to find out what do they love. Art? Music? Orchestra? Theater?
  3. AND if you have time volunteer at a school event where your ELLs are shining.

How are you currently advocating for the arts with your English Language Learners?

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