
The Speaking App that can Transform your Classroom

I stumbled onto FlipGrid by chance. I was searching for speaking apps and this one popped up on my google search. While I was exploring the app, I noticed all of the features that can beneficial to English Language Learners. FlipGrid is a video discussion platform that is being used in classrooms around the world. I loved that is resembles students favorite social media platflorms such as SnapChat and Instagram. This had students more motivated to participate in the activities. Here is how you can use FlipGrid in your ESL classroom.

Flip your Discussion Questions

  • Before or after teaching a lesson post a discussion question on flipgrid instead of the students writing the discussion down,
  • I want to note that it would be very important for you to explicitly model your expectations to the students on how you want the question answered.
  • Students then login and simply respond to the question.
  • You can encourage students to use accountable talk frames during the discussions.
  • To take the students speaking to the next level use a Speaking Rubric
  • A speaking rubric in student friendly terms sets the expectation of how they should be speaking.
  • If you want an amazing speaking rubric you can use with your ELLs go to myadventuresinesl.com/speakingrubric.

Encourage Teacher and Student Discourse

  • After some reflection, I learned that my students needed some work on register.
  • A lot of them did not understand how to switch between a casual and formal register.
  • By using FlipGrid this encouraged discourse between the students and I where they can flip between the two and practice.
  • On FlipGrid you (as the teacher) can post a video of yourself, and the students can respond to your video with a video.
  • Teachers can also respond to student recordings with a personalized recording that is just between the students.
In my class I use FlipGrid to make my lessons interactive and to encourage speaking in the classroom.

Remix your favorite speaking activities with FlipGrid

  • If you have a favorite speaking activity such as Think-Pair-Share, remix it with FlipGrid.
  • This allows students to practice how to speak confidently into the microphone. This is going to benefit them greatly when it is time for their speaking assessments.
  • You can also do other fun speaking activities such as news anchor and pair discussions onf FlipGrid.

Just as with any computer app there is important to find balance. Just remember this FREE and interactive activity for your ELLs when you are planning your speaking activities.

ESL Adventurers I will see you on the next podcast!

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