ESL Teacher Self Care
I can remember staying until 6pm every school day trying to cram in as much work as I could. I was even waking up on Saturday and Sunday working hours on end with lesson planning. Finally, it all blew up in my face. I was at a breaking point and I knew what I was doing wasn’t sustainable. My husband had started to ask me …. “Why are you working till almost 6 everyday?” He was starting to see that I was exhausting myself. In the middle of my third year teaching, I started to notice teachers quitting because they were so overwhelmed with the workload. I also started hearing murmurs that there was a high amount of teachers on anxiety medication because of the overwhelm. That is when I woke up! I loved teaching and I didn’t want to get burnt out and quit. I immediately implemented the following.
I started to say “No”.
No to extra professional developments that didn’t fit my goals, no to staying late, no to spending hours on my weekend planning.
At first it was hard because we are in a service profession. However, when I started asking veteran teachers they gave me this advice. “It is okay to say no”. So if there is a professional development I attend, it aligns with my goals and it will be one that I KNOW I am going to have a blast. I started committing to leave school at the bell. This required some extra reflection.
I was staying late preparing because I didn’t have an effective system in place on how I should prepare. Once I got a system in place I was able to save so much time and I was able to leave on time everyday. This allowed me to spend more time with myself, my family, and my friends. Guess What! When I was refreshed, I could teach with a clear mind.
Before you get out of the car every day, have a moment of silence.
Use this time to pray, meditate, or whatever you do to get your thoughts together. I NEVER set foot in the school building before taking this moment of silence to gather my thoughts. This helps keep me focused and calm.
You don’t have to feel like you have to check everything off your to-do list for the day.
I started reducing my to-do list to 3-4 priority items I have to do for the day. If I don’t get to everything, I make peace with that I DID my absolute best for the day. Just include the items for your priority list for tomorrow.

Above all else remember your mental, physical, and social health is the priority.
For you to teach you best you need to feel your best. So don’t every compromise on your HEALTH.

I signed up for an art class… the first time I’ve done a class for ME. It is a stained glass class and when I work, I have to concentrate. I never think about school, to do lists or even family. Finally something that stops the thoughts in my head. Hoping this helps!
I am so happy you are doing this for yourself. That is so empowering 🙂 I honestly believe that it is going to help.