Here’s what I loved and would want to change about my 2018-19 school year
Every year (with the exception of my first year teaching) I develop a plan over the summer. This plan is tailored for the needs of my ELLs for the school year. In the past years I have planned every aspect of my classroom. For the 2018-19 school year, I decided to do things a differently. I had some great moments, and some “what in the world was I thinking” moments. Here is what I loved and what I would change about my 2018-2019 school year:

I loved how my students entered the classroom! Every day my students would clock in, pick up their materials, and start on their assignment. At the beginning of the school year it was rocky doing this routine. It would take the students 5-10 minutes to pick up their materials and get started. Looking back I would practice more of how to complete this routine with a timer. Next school year I plan on strengthening this routine. So this one was a keep.
Attendance….was rough for me this year. It seems like I always forget to take attendance, and this year it came back at me hard. I realized that I needed to change my attendance habits immediately. Next year to combat my attendance forgetfulness, I plan on keeping it simple. I am setting a timer to remind me five minutes after every class period to take attendance. I also thought about having a student taking attendance as their daily job. Whatever I decide I am not starting the new year without a plan for attendance.

There is power in students tracking their data. This school year I loved that students kept track of their data in data binders. Students tracked their WIDA scores, daily goals, and set SMART Goals in their data binder. Next school year I plan on having the students use their data binder every day and for every lesson. I am also adding a daily reflection piece to the students data binder. If you love student reflection, here is a freebie just for you! I loved using the Student Reflection Letter to have the students reflection on the lessons. Download the Student Reflection Letter today (It’s Free😃)

Flexible Seating has transformed the landscape of my classroom students. This year I decided to get rid of ALL the desks in my classrooms. Things went well with the flexible seating. There were not any arguments with students about where to sit, and the students took great care of the furniture. One change I would make is how I introduced the furniture to the students. I would encourage students to try a new spot for the first 2-3 weeks of school. I am also planning to add a few more table options to the room. With our current curriculum I noticed more productivity at tables versus the couch.
This year has been by far my favorite year of teaching. I have learned so much about myself as an educator and how I can better serve my students. I am looking forward to implementing everything I have learned this year, next year. I want to hear what you loved and what you would change for the upcoming school year. Leave your comments below ⬇️

Sarah smarrelli
Love this reflection do you teach high school self contained EL?
Hey Sarah!
I teach middle school EL and everyday I learn something new. What grades do you teach?